Mitigation Information Portal
SHMP : 2024 State of Ohio Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan
State Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation
Plan Information
Mitigation Actions
Risk Analysis
Mitigation Action(s)
Conduct HAZUS Level 2 flood analyses for all counties in the state using the best available data.
Continue to update and improve the vulnerability analysis for state-owned buildings and critical facilities.
Work with Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch to include animal disease in risk assessment for 2029 plan update.
Perform on site appraisals of all state buildings valued at $500,000 or more.
Perform desktop valuations for all state buildings valued at less than $500,000 to determine current replacement value.
Continue use of the Origami system to capture structure specific risk data.
Install sensors in shoulders or video detection to monitor flooding
Continue development of the VAST system. VAST evaluates risks to roads and bridges to hazards such as flooding, landslide, and rockfall. VAST is intended to be an improvement over TOAST.
Work with USGS, NOAA, and other partners to promote flood warning systems and the importance of stream and rain gauges.
Ohio EMA will work with the National Weather Service and local emergency management agencies to review trigger points for flood warnings and adjust based on completed mitigation projects, changing flood levels and other factors.
Ensure that grant application review tools and processes prioritize acquisition of repetitively flooded and highest risk properties.
Inspect all Class I-III dams once every 5 years.
Take enforcement actions on violations of state dam/levee safety laws for severely deficient and/or structurally unsound high hazard dams.
Increase the number of Emergency Action Plans through compliance and education efforts.
Conduct 4 yearly Dam Safety Workshops in conjunction with annual dam inspections targeting counties where inspections are during the inspection cycle.
Develop DSS-WISE Inundation Shapefiles for Class I dams without EAPs.
Annually apply for High Hazard Potential Dam Grant Funding to repair, rehabilitate, or remove eligible dams.
Support USACE & FEMA National Levee Safety Program Rollout - Review and comment on draft levee documents, participate in pilot inspection process, and provide input to Federal partners for State involvement in program
Continue to implement and improve the Ohio Safe Room Rebate Program.
Review and consider the most recent version of the ICC Commercial Codes for incorporation into the Ohio Building Code.
Review and consider the most recent version of the ICC Residential Codes for incorporation into the Ohio Building Code.
Support communities who choose to adopt standards beyond NFIP minimums for flood loss reduction.
Emergency Response Training for ODOT Staff
Requirements for building facilities above the 100-year flood plain
Continue partnership through H2Ohio to fund a variety of water and wastewater infrastructure improvements including lead service line mapping, inventory and replacement, home septic system repair and replacement, reducing harmful algal blooms, as well as dam removal projects
Requirements for community public water systems to have an emergency generator or alternate source of power.
Continue to participate in the public/private partnership effort between Ohio EMA and the business community.
Grants for emergency generators
Work with Ohio EMA to document a process to be followed if CDBG-DR funds are ever available in the state.
Formalize a state level hazard mitigation grant program for Ohio communities.
Grants for distribution system equipment
State Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund Program
Partner with ODNR Floodplain Management Program to develop educational information for floodplain managers and the manufactured home community on the Manufactured Homes Program.
Ensure that federally-funded housing, community development, and economic development programs administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency are conducted in accordance with state and local floodplain management regulations.
Work with industry to ensure a streamlined and consumer-focused claim filing and premium payment process during and after a disaster event.
Monitor the uptake of flood insurance on the private insurance market.
Support insurers offering hazard mitigation discounts to customers
Support dialogue between the National Flood Insurance Program, insurance companies and the lending community
Empower Ohioans with educational toolkits that will help them better understand hazard risks, insurance needs, and disaster preparedness.
Addressing Equity in Floodplain Management- ODNR?s FPM will develop and initiate a new plan to engage and assist underserved communities with floodplain management needs by collecting additional data from external State and Local resources. This plan would identify more specific needs for assistance and better ascertain how Ohio?s fpm might better meet those needs.
State Assessment of NFIP Requirements for State-Owned Properties and Development - Support State Agencies in establishing policies and procedures to ensure development is compliant with state and federal regulations
Meet and maintain metrics for Proficient Status outlined in federal Tiered State Framework (TSF). TSF evaluations due every three years. Next submission is 2026.
OPWC will continue to incorporate hazard mitigation principles into emergency projects whenever possible.
Limit construction or assist with relocation of electrical substations, distribution, and transmission lines in flood prone areas that serve critical infrastructure customers
Continue to administer the Brownfield Grant Program to clean up hazardous materials at brownfields throughout the state.
Continue to administer the Demolition Grant Program to remove dilapidated and blighted buildings throughout the state.
Continue to administer the Welcome Home Ohio which provides grants for the purchase of residential properties, the cost of construction or rehabilitation, or a nonrefundable tax credit for qualifying activities.
Continue to develop and administer the Energy Efficiency Programs to provide consumer rebates for the purchases of electric appliances and support energy efficiency upgrades to residential properties.
Continue to administer the Water/Wastewater Grant Program to offer grants for water projects. The funds can pay for design, construction, materials and administrative costs associated with the water program.
Support dialogue between stakeholders about utilization of quality building components to mitigate damage.
Implement earthwork erosion control vegetation management program
Plant pest program surveys, contains, and works to eradicate threats to plants
Provide ongoing tests, inspections, and surveillance to verify the absence of animal diseases.
Enforce Ohio's Dangerous Wild Animal laws
Implement comprehensive erosion/slope failure risk assessment and monitoring program for Ohio History Connection historic sites.
Implement comprehensive treefall risk assessment & monitoring program for Ohio History Connection historic sites.
The Board of Building Standards will partner with the Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch to implement the Building Code Plus-up BRIC grant.
OPWC will continue participation on the State Hazard Mitigation Team.
Invite and facilitate participation of partners needed to ensure effective operation of the State Hazard Mitigation Team.
Develop statewide procedures providing guidance to state agency fiscal officers on disaster cost tracking policy.
Explore the integration of mitigation such as the State of Ohio Hazard Mitigation plan, into ODOT capabilities and other planning mechanisms. Potential candidates include the Resiliency Improvement Plan, Transportation Asset Management Plan, and the Access Ohio 2045 State Long Range Transportation Plan.
Review the OBOA Substantial Damage mutual aid process and incorporate recent Stafford Act changes.
Continue inter-agency participation on the USACE Silver Jackets Initiative.
Work with Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) to build more environmentally friendly schools under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards.
Continuation of the Public Health and Extreme Weather Workgroup
Explore collaboration with ODA to re-institute state and local veterinary response groups.
Develop and implement strong state incentives for maintaining local mitigation plans.
Cross-reference State of Ohio Hazard Mitigation Plan in relevant Ohio History Connection site management plans
Continue participation in the FEMA PAS program that enables Ohio to review and approve local hazard mitigation plans.
Ohio EMA will work with FEMA Region V legal staff to develop modified deed language for properties acquired with HMA funds in Ohio that clarifies the property re-use review and approval process.
Conduct training and/or post-disaster briefings for appropriate audiences on substantial damage assessments
Develop and implement an outreach strategy targeting repetitive loss property owners on mitigation techniques and funding programs
Reduce the number of severe repetitive loss properties each year by assisting such owners with successful funding of mitigation projects through FEMA mitigation programs
Provide media releases to the public when open burning is prohibited within the state
Create Ohio version of mitigation project development courses.
Develop success stories in wind resistant construction codes and mitigation techniques.
Ohio EMA will continue to actively participate on the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness.
Continue to update the Debris Management Course, and deliver the course in conjunction with Ohio EMA.
Project WET (Water Education Today)- Award winning national curriculum for educating about water.
Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF)
Update the interactive digital summary of the State of Ohio Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Conduct open space monitoring of properties purchased with HMA funds and report to FEMA every 3 years using the MIP.
Continue to maintain, populate, and enhance the Mitigation Information Portal
Sustain the Mitigation Branch internship program.
Continue the local mitigation planning studio course with The Ohio State University.
Explore opportunities to integrate climate and risk data from State Climate of Ohio into local and state hazard mitigation plans where applicable.
Drinking Water community system contingency plan requirement
Asset management requirements for public water systems
Update of the Carbon Reduction Strategy (CRS)
Update of the Resiliency Improvement Plan
ODH BID ZIP will continue providing resources to local jurisdictions for yearly mosquito surveillance activities to implement public health actions.
Educate potential applicants on how OPWC programs can be used to assist with mitigation.
Continue to support efforts to comply with the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP).
Continue participation on emergency management and floodplain association workgroups.
Conduct outreach to promote hazard mitigation capability improvements and hazard mitigation planning integration into other local planning and policy mechanisms.