Mitigation Information Portal
LHMP : Butler County 2017 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation
Plan Information
Mitigation Actions
Risk Analysis
Mitigation Action(s)
1.1.3 Update List of Emergency Shelters
1.1.1 Emergency Notification
1.1.2 IPAWS web app implementation
1.1.4 Mitigation Activity Funding
1.1.5 Stricter Building Codes
1.1.6 Manufactured Housing Standards
1.1.7 Build Disaster Recovery Support Network
1.1.8 Coordinate Fuel for Hazard Mobilization Efforts
1.1.9 Public Awareness
1.1.10 Maintain NWS StormReady County Status
2.1.1 Tree Maintenance
2.1.2 Back up Generators Critical Facilities Plan
2.1.3 Back up Generators Funding
2.1.4 Enhance Public Awareness and Preparation for Severe Weather
2.1.5 Significant Building and Critical Infrastructure Sustainability
3.1.1 Complete FEMA Rate Map Update
3.1.2 Identify and GIS Inventory Structures Subject to Flood Damage
3.1.3 Develop Mitigation Projects to Mitigate FEMA Identified Repetitive Loss Susceptible Structures
3.1.4 Develop Mitigation Projects to Mitigate Structures and Critical Facilities in Designated Flood
3.1.5 Develop a Public Education Program for Residents and Business Owners
3.1.6 Link Flood Hydraulic Modeling Monitoring to Real time Maps and Promote their Availability
3.1.7 Monitor and Maintain List of Butler County Communities to Assure Full Participation in NFIP
3.1.8 Investigate New Technologies for Flood Prevention and Diversion
3.1.9 Place Public Awareness Signage at Repetitive Loss Locations
3.1.10 Use Alternative Storm Water Retention Strategies, like Rain Gardens, Where Appropriate.
3.1.11 Encourage Residents to Secure Available FEMA Flood Insurance
4.1.1 GIS Class I and II Dams and their Potential Inundation Zones
4.1.2 Develop and Exercise Emergency Action Pans, Including Evacuation Plans
4.1.3 Develop Public Education Program for Property Owners in Inundation Areas
5.1.1 Encourage Local Entities to Include Emergency Snow Removal Vehicles and Equipment in Local CIP
5.2.1 Continue to Provide Ongoing Briefings for Public Officials Regarding Winter Storm Preparedness
5.2.2 Work with Local Jurisdiction Warming Centers
6.1.1 Continue to Review and Update Existing Warning Siren Coverage County wide
6.1.2 Continue to Update Tornado Warning Siren Public Education Program
6.1.3 Increase Availability of Weather Radios
6.1.4 Provide Training to the Elderly Regarding Tornado Safety
6.1.5 Continue to Evaluate the Need for Tornado Safe Rooms and Shelter Rooms
6.1.6 Deliver National Weather Service Weather Spotter Course
6.1.7 Continue to Evaluate and Implement Tornado Safe Rooms and Shelter Rooms at Mobile Home Parks
6.1.8 Investigate and Develop Shelters at Parks, Ball Fields and Other Open Public Spaces
7.1.1 Establish MOUs with Private Contracts for the Supply and Distribution of Water and Ice
7.1.2 Develop a Template for Use by Local Fire and Public Service Officials to Help Identify Altern
7.1.3 Develop an Educational Campaign for Public and Business Awareness Preparation for Drought Cond
7.1.4 Investigate and Secure Funding for Dry Force Fire Hydrants in High Risk Areas within the Count
7.1.5 Coordination of Tanker Transportation of Potable Water for the Public During Droughts
7.1.6 Coordinate the Removal of Dead Trees and Underbrush to Reduce the Risk of Drought Related Fire
8.1.1 Update Potential Earthquake Impact Information
8.2.1 Sustain Capabilities of the Butler County Technical Rescue Team (BCTRT)
8.2.2 Continue to Provide All Necessary Support and Equipment for BCTRT
8.3.1 Identify Funding to implement Earthquake Risk Reduction Practices
8.3.2 Provide First Response and Firefighter Training for HazMat, Rail, Storage Area and Pipeline Ev
8.3.3 Regularly Asses Risks Using Commodity Flow Studies
9.1.1 Develop a Public Education Program for Residents and Business Owners Regarding Heat Emergencie
9.1.2 Plan for and Support Cooling Stations to Serve At risk Populations
9.1.3 Link Heat Emergencies with Emergency Operations Plan