Mitigation Information Portal
LHMP : Clermont County 2020 All Hazards Mitigation Plan
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation
Plan Information
Mitigation Actions
Risk Analysis
Mitigation Action(s)
Installation of Emergency Generators for the PUB WTP and PUB Well Fields.
Tornado Storm Shelters.
Currently using County EOP. We are in process of developing our township specific EOP.
Public education on how to prepare and protect public interests (web, seminars).
Green Address Signs for all residential homes.
Develop update back up power generation capabilities at critical government facilities.
Develop update Continuity of Operations Plan.
Provide public education and outreach on disaster preparedness
Develop or update Emergency Operations Plans.
Maintain an all hazard outdoor warning siren system, including repairing, replacing, and upgrading.
Continue fire code, building code, zoning, and floodplain management enforcement activities.
Schedule and participate in Table Top exercises of COOP DR plans.
Add preparedness month activities to public calendar.
Implement public education via new township website, becoming viewer, mobile friendly.
Establish safe locations within the township for residents seeking help from hazards.
Purchase cots for designated shelters to be stored at sites.
Purchase generator for community center.
Review cooperative agreements with county gas companies Sheriffs Department regarding DR plans.
Promote the installation of community safe rooms.
Purchase weather radios for residents (Monroe Twp).
Build a new Town Hall to include a Storm Shelter (Amelia Village).
Purchase back up generator for current Village Hall (Amelia Village).
A public education campaign on having multiple means to receive severe weather notifications.
Create a Standard Operating Guideline for the timely clearing of roads from debris caused by storms.
Maintain StormReady Certification.
Identify safe locations for residents to seek shelter during tornado events.
Start discussions with neighboring townships regarding fallen tree responsibilities at cemeteries.
Shelter for Tornadoes and Cold Weather (Monroe Twp).
Install additional tornado sirens.
Promote the Ohio Safe Room Rebate Program for construction installation of residential safe rooms.
Identify tornado safe locations for residents to seek shelter during tornadoes high wind events.
Replace or correct culvert pipes along SR 222 in Nicholasville to control flooding (Monroe Twp).
Ditching Culvert Upgrades of Washington Township roads.
Improve stormwater management system.
Identify and study poor draining areas to control flooding.
Repair or replace ditching and culverts to control flooding.
Continue to identify and study riverbank stabilization opportunities.
Provide mitigation option guidance to property owners of flood prone structures.
Encourage residents in flood prone areas to purchase flood insurance.
Identify vulnerabilities, deteriorations of ditches and culverts on township roads.
Start ditching culvert upgrades of township roads.
Stormwater management in Newtonsville identify, document issues.
Tree trimming of township roads in right of ways along utility lines.
Identify vulnerabilities on township roads with power lines.
Tree trimming of township roads.
Implement zoning regarding location of, planting of trees near power lines.
Implementation of Source Water Protection Plans and Drinking Water Contingency Plans.
Implement proper closure management of the former Beckjord facility and associated coal ash ponds.
Develop Update Wellhead Protection Plan
Organize an annual drill to prepare for a disaster involving hazardous materials.
Report what hazardous materials are being handled on site and amounts according to regulation.
Update commodity flow study to identify types and volume of hazardous materials transported.
Public outreach regarding disposal of household hazardous waste.
Provide public education and outreach on winter weather safety.
Develop a map of landslide prone areas.
Enforce slide prone area ordinance to limit fill or dumping and address drainage problems.
Enforce drainage control regulations to reduce risk of landslides resulting from saturated soils.
Develop ordinances requiring developers landowners to obtain permits prior to filling or regrading.
Implement Sanitary System Codes to reduce the effect of drainage on landslides.
Provide guidance to property owners on stabilization, energy dissipation, and flow control measures.
Implement Restraining Structures to hold soil in place.
Implement Debris Flow Measures such as stabilization, energy dissipation, and flow control measures.
Implement grading to increase slope stability.
Consider Vegetation Placement and Management Plans to increase soil stability.
Consider placement of utilities.
Coordinate with ODNR to implement Dam Safety Program.
Encourage dam owners develop update their dam safety plans.
Encourage dam owners to be prepared to respond should their dam fail, including a notification plan.
Identify downstream risk should dam failure occur.
Coordinate with local communities to ensure they understand risk and impact of dam failures.
Review Disaster Recovery Plan.
Add to Continuity of Operations Plan.
Coordinate with dam owners operators to rehabilitate high hazard dams that have potential to fail.
Implement an invasive species education program.
Share information with the public that explains the importance of not importing exporting firewood.
Work with agricultural producers to monitor and minimize nutrient runoff.
Public education on removal of dead dying vegetation affected by invasive species.
Increase protection efforts for public infrastructure affected by invasive species.
Identify and establish policy and procedure to deal with falling dead ash trees within the township.
Encourage critical infrastructure to implement protective measures at their facilities.
Coordinate with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of large public gathering events.
Provide guidance to critical facilities on preparing and responding to an active aggressor threat.
Provide guidance and resources for vulnerable populations during extreme temperature events.
Provide guidance and resources on utility assistance programs.
Encourage property owners to prepare for droughts by installing equipment that reduces use of water.
Develop water storage plans, water use ordinances, and contingency plans.
Encourage farmers to purchase crop insurance and drought insurance.
Develop map of sensitive areas, population, wildfire possibilities. Look into Dry Hydrants.
Promote public education on smoking hazards and the risks of recreational fires.
Provide public education on extreme fire danger and red flag warnings.
Use community outreach activities to foster an awareness of earthquake mitigation activities.
Increase public awareness of the importance of earthquake insurance.
Increase public awareness of the importance of earthquake insurance.