Mitigation Information Portal
LHMP : Crawford County Hazard Mitigation Plan (2019)
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation
Plan Information
Mitigation Actions
Risk Analysis
Mitigation Action(s)
Increase coordination to address risk and uniformly implement sound mitigation practices.
Develop a large gathering shelter plan for festivals and other events.
Upgrade countywide safety service communications.
Pursue funding to implement natural hazard mitigation activities.
Encourage underground utility placement and tree maintenance programs in public rights of way.
Develop and update back up power generation capabilities at critical government facilities.
Develop and update Continuity of Operations Plans.
Provide public education and outreach on disaster preparedness.
Develop or update Emergency Operation Plans.
Maintain an all hazard outdoor warning siren system.
Conduct fire code, building code, zoning, and floodplain management enforcement activities.
Prepare public buildings to act as shelters in case of any hazard.
Develop a partnership to have places of worship serve as additional shelters.
Identify surface water county tile drainage obstructions for unincorporated areas.
Develop strategies to preserve scenic waterways and open space in and around floodplains.
Pursue mitigation activities and funding for designated flood prone areas.
Investigate and record repetitive loss areas in Cities and Villages.
Analyze and establish mitigation measures to protect waste water treatment plants.
Pursue funding for mitigation actions of floodplain properties and residences along waterways.
Complete EPA storm drainage separation system.
Assess and map problem drainage areas.
Evaluate township roads for frequent flood areas in each township.
Improve the stormwater management system.
Identify and study poor draining areas to control flooding.
Repair or replace ditches, culverts, and bridges to control flooding.
Identify and study riverbank stabilization opportunities.
Provide mitigation guidance to property owners of Repetitive Loss Structures.
Encourage residents in flood prone areas to purchase flood insurance.
Modify building codes to encourage water proofing structures.
Adopt policies to reduce stormwater runoff.
Participate in the Community Rating System (awards communities who exceed NFIP requirements).
Flood control activities at Aumiller Park.
Flood control activities at Harmon Park.
Clear log jams down stream to prevent flooding on Caldwell Road in Bucyrus Twp.
Remove log jams on Brokensword Creek from SR 4 to CR 31.
Inform residents of the various ways to receive weather alerts.
Create a Standard Operating Guideline to clear roads of debris.
Install a lightning warning system.
Install lightning rods on public buildings.
Install warning sirens.
Convert old fire sirens into tornado sirens.
Continue yearly tornado drills at all schools.
Provide weather radios to homes that are in sparsely populated areas.
Participate in promote Ohio Safe Room Rebate Program for homeowners.
Establish NOAA Weather Radio program for festivals, fairgrounds, campgrounds, parks, and recreation.
Promote commercial safe rooms for high occupancy uses, such as bars and restaurants.
Identify tornado safe locations for residents to seek shelter during tornadoes high wind events.
Promote wind and tornado resistant construction practices.
Encourage mobile home parks and other vulnerable communities to have a tornado preparedness plan.
Increase public awareness of severe winter storms.
Begin a public emergency plow telephone hotline for at risk residents.
Promote community shoveling programs to reduce the risk of heart attacks from excessive labor.
Tree trimming in right of ways along utility lines.
Begin a revolving loan program to help residents purchase backup generators.
Consider burying utility lines outside of 100 Year flood plains in all new sub divisions.
Promote utility partnerships to reduce costs of higher grade wires and burying lines.
Develop a Wellhead Protection Plan.
Organize an annual drill for hazardous materials disaster.
Report what hazardous materials are being handled on site and amounts according to regulation.
Complete a commodity flow study to identify types and volume of hazardous materials transported.
Encourage critical infrastructure to implement protective measures at their facilities.
Coordinate with emergency services to ensure the safety of large public gathering events.
Provide guidance on improving preparedness response to an active aggressor threat.
Provide free active shooter training or promote free and low cost third party training.
Seal water wells.
Install temporary bollards or fences during high occupancy outdoor events.
Create public education programs to prevent the spread of contagious diseases.
Create a detailed public health plan to prepare for an epidemic.
Create a public education program for vaccinations.
Encourage private agencies to become private Point of Dispensing (POD)
Ensure municipalities have enough water supplies.
Provide education opportunities to farmers to reduce adverse effects of drought.
Cities and Villages to adopt water conservation measures and standards.
Provide guidance and resources for vulnerable populations during extreme temperature events.
Provide guidance and resources on utility assistance programs.
Encourage farmers to deepen wells where possible.
Encourage farmers to connect watering systems to deep wells.
Develop a plan to limit water usage during extreme and prolonged droughts.
Install water saving equipment in public buildings.
Retrofit water supply and storage systems.
Utilize xeriscaping on public property to reduce water consumption.
Implement an invasive species education program.
Share with the public the importance of not importing or exporting firewood.
Coordinate with ODNR to implement Dam Safety Program.
Work with dam owners to develop update their dam safety plan.
Work with dam owners to ensure they are prepared to respond should their dam fail.
Model dam failure to identify at risk areas.
Work with local communities to create a dam failure response plan.
Reservoir Dam Spillway at Pines Reservoir
Dam replacement or reinforcement for weakened dams.
Promote public education on smoking hazards and recreational fire risks.
Provide public education on extreme fire danger and red flag warnings.
Develop a wildfire response plan with all fire departments.
Provide public awareness and safety procedures during and following an earthquake event.
Use community outreach activities to foster an awareness of earthquake mitigation activities.