Mitigation Information Portal
SHMP : 2019 State of Ohio Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan
State Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation
Plan Information
Mitigation Actions
Risk Analysis
Mitigation Action(s)
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Conduct updated HAZUS Level 2 flood analyses for all counties in the state using the best available data.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Continue to update and improve the vulnerability analysis for state-owned buildings and critical facilities.
Department of Administrative Services - Office of Risk Management (ORM): Perform on site appraisals of all state buildings valued at $500,000 or more.
Department of Administrative Services - Office of Risk Management (ORM): Perform desktop valuations for all state buildings valued at less than $500,000 to determine current replacement value.
Department of Administrative Services - Office of Risk Management (ORM): Gather and incorporate structure specific risk data in the Risk Management Information System (RMIS).
Ohio Department of Transportation: Install pre-planned detour signage for recurring closures
Ohio Department of Transportation: Install sensors in shoulders or video detection to monitor flooding
Ohio Emergency Management Agency, NWS, Local Emergency Management Agency: Ohio EMA will work with the National Weather Service and local emergency management agencies to review trigger points for flood warnings and adjust based on completed mitigation projects, changing flood levels and other factors.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Work with USGS, NOAA, and other partners to promote flood warning systems and the importance of stream and rain gauges.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Ensure that grant application review tools and processes prioritize acquisition of repetitively flooded and highest risk properties.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Dam Safety: Inspect all Class I-III dams once every 5 years.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Dam Safety: Take enforcement actions on violations of state dam/levee safety laws for severely deficient and/or structurally unsound high hazard dams.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Dam Safety: Increase the number of Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) through compliance and education efforts.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Continue to implement and improve the Ohio Safe Room Rebate Program.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Water Resources, Floodplain Management: Support communities who choose to adopt standards beyond NFIP minimums for flood loss reduction.
Ohio Department of Commerce - Industrial Compliance: Review and consider the most recent version of the ICC Commercial Codes for incorporation into the Ohio Building Code.
Ohio Department of Commerce - Industrial Compliance: Review and consider the most recent version of the ICC Residential Codes for incorporation into the Ohio Building Code.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Continue to participate in the public/private partnership effort between Ohio EMA and the business community.
Ohio EMA, DPS, and Governors Office: Formalize a state level hazard mitigation grant program for Ohio communities.
Ohio Development Services Agency: Work with Ohio EMA to document a process to be followed if CDBG-DR funds are ever available in the state.
Ohio Development Services Agency: Explore the possibility of using the Alternative Stormwater Infrastructure Loan Program to target properties purchased with HMA grants as future green infrastructure project sites.
Ohio Department of Health: Seek funding to expand local vector control programs.
Ohio Department of Health: Develop a priority list of generator needs for Center for Medicaid/Medicare funded facilites.
Ohio Development Services Agency: Ensure that federally-funded housing, community development, and economic development programs administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency are conducted in accordance with state and local floodplain management regulations.
Ohio Department of Commerce - Industrial Compliance: Partner with ODNR Floodplain Management Program to develop educational information for floodplain managers and the manufactured home community on the Manufactured Homes Program.
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio: Limit construction or assist with relocation of electrical substations, distribution, and transmission lines in flood prone areas that serve critical infrastructure customers
Ohio Department of Agriculture - Division of Soil and Water Conservation: Implement ODA commitments delineated in the Ohio Domestic Action Plan for Lake Erie.
Ohio Public Works Commission: OPWC will continue to incorporate hazard mitigation principles into emergency projects whenever possible.
Ohio Public Works Commission: Support dialogue between stakeholders about utilization of quality building components to mitigate damage.
Ohio Department of Insurance: Work with industry to ensure a streamlined and consumer-focused claim filing and premium payment process during and after a disaster event.
Ohio Department of Insurance: Monitor the uptake of flood insurance on the private insurance market.
Ohio Department of Insurance: Support insurers offering hazard mitigation discounts to customers
Ohio Department of Insurance: Support dialogue between the National Flood Insurnace Program, insurance companies and the lending community
Ohio Department of Insurance: Empower Ohioans with educational toolkits that will help them better understand hazard risks, insurance needs, and disaster preparedness.
State Hazard Mitigation Team: Invite at least two additional entities each year to participate on the SHMT.
Ohio Public Works Commission: OPWC will continue paricipation on the State Hazard Mitigation Team.
State Hazard Mitigation Team: Continue inter-agency participation on the USACE Silver Jackets Initiative.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and OBOA: Review the OBOA Substantial Damage mutual aid process and incorporate recent Stafford Act changes.
Ohio Office of Budget and Management: Develop statewide procedures providing guidance to state agency fiscal officers on disaster cost tracking policy.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency: Develop and implement strong state incentives for maintaining local mitigation plans.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency: Continue participation in the FEMA pilot program that enables Ohio to review and approve local hazard mitigation plans.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency: Ohio EMA will work with FEMA Region V legal staff to develop modified deed language for properties acquired with HMA funds in Ohio that clarifies the property re-use review and approval process.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Water Resources, Floodplain Management: Conduct training and/or post-disaster briefings for appropriate audiences on substantial damage assessments
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Develop and implement an outreach strategy targeting repetitive loss property owners on mitigation techniques and funding programs.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Reduce the number of severe repetitive loss properties each year by assisting such owners with successful funding of mitigation projects through FEMA mitigation programs.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Develop success stories in wind resistant construction codes and mitigation techniques.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and Ohio Emergency Management Agency: Update the Debris Management Course, deliver pilot offerings, and train Ohio EMA Regional staff to deliver the course.
Ohio EMA: Create Ohio version of mitigation planning and project courses.
Ohio Department of Health: Vector Control recommendations communicated to the public to eliminate/avoid sources of standing water and overgrown brush that allow for the breeding of disease-carrying vectors.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Ohio EMA will continue to actively participate on the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Continue to maintain, populate, and enhance the State Hazard Analysis Resource and Planning Portal.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency: Develop an interactive digital summary of the State of Ohio Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency: Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch will utilize SHARPP to conduct open space monitoring and report to FEMA every three years.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency: Sustain the Mitigation Branch internship program.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency and OSU: Continue the local mitigation planning studio course with The Ohio State University.
Ohio Department of Transportation: Incorporate a weather resilience data category into the Traffic Operation Assessment Systems Tool (TOAST)
Ohio Public Works Commission: Educate potential applicants on how OPWC programs can be used to assist with mitigation.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Continue to support efforts to comply with the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP).
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Continue participation on emergency management and floodplain association workgroups.
Ohio EMA Mitigation Branch: Participate in earthquake table top exercise with mitigation component.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Water Resources, Floodplain Management: Develop and offer virtual training opportunities to ensure that floodplain management training opportunities reach the largest audiences possible.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Water Resources, Floodplain Management: Conduct Community Assistance Visits (CAV) and Community Assistance Contacts (CAC) to evaluate local floodplain management programs and provide recommendations/protocols for programmatic improvements.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Water Resources, Floodplain Management: Promoting NFIP enrollment to nonparticipating communities.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Water Resources, Floodplain Management: Distribute Floodplain Management and NFIP-related information to community Floodplain Managers.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Water Resources, Floodplain Management: Coordination with State and Federal Agencies
Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Water Resources, Floodplain Management: Flood Hazard Mapping Review and Outreach
Department of Administrative Services - Office of Risk Management (ORM): Develop and distribute a strategic enterprise risk improvement plan to assist state agencies with mitigation strategies to reduce losses to state facilities caused by natural and man-made hazards.