Mitigation Information Portal
LHMP : 2016 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan for Allen County, Ohio
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation
Plan Information
Mitigation Actions
Risk Analysis
Mitigation Action(s)
Coordinate regular dam inspections
Develop evacuation plans for potentially impacted areas.
Develop public information regarding evacuation routes
Examine resources and needs of flooding caused by a dam failure
Develop training for emergency rescue to heat victims
Develop water supply systems
Increase education to protect water
Increase public awareness of drought
Minimize non essential water usage
Establish emergency support services for
Develop and implement mitigation activities
Install sirens in rural areas under development
Mitigate repetitive flood loss properties, implement NFIP standards
Adopt regulatory standards to protect areas from floods
Protect high hazard floodplains from development of
Mitigate, as necessary, repetitive floodloss
Pursue funding opportunities to develop and implement mitigation activities
Evaluate the potential need for clearing snow and debris
Identify and map emergency snow routes
Increase public awareness of winter storm watches, warnings and emergencies
Develop a countywide Public Interest Organization
Identify emergency needs for residents and government
Develop emergency response plans for critical facilities
Assess the adequacy of shelters
Ensure adequate community warning
Increase public awareness of tornadoes
Develop PIO for storm related information
Promote construction of tornado shelters
Develop plans for critical facilities in case of tornadoes
Evaluate emergency communication systems backup power sources
Assess the adequacy of shelters in terms of location, size and equipment
Promote tree
Develop worst case scenario as part of planning exercise
Clarify the earthquake management roles and responsibilities
Monitor new development occurring in the rural areas for coverage
Increase public awareness of earthquakes
Develop PIO for earthquake related information
Identify emergency evacuation and rescue response capabilities
Develop emergency response plans for tornadoes for all critical facilities
Evaluate emergency communication systems backup power sources for critical facilities
Assess the adequacy of shelters in terms of location, size and equipment
Assess buidling codes for earthquakes