Mitigation Information Portal
LHMP : Belmont County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2014
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation
Plan Information
Mitigation Actions
Risk Analysis
Mitigation Action(s)
Ensure that NFIP requirements are being met concerning repairs, renovations, and remodeling of struc
Update existing flood damage prevention and ordinances (as it relates to 44 CFR 60.3)
Acquire structures in identified loss areas throughout Belmont County
Acquisition of property within Belmont County that is repetitively damaged by flash flooding
Coordinate with the USACOE to facilitate the release of rain gauge information and other data pertin
Develop inundation studies of flood prone areas to supplement this mitigation plan
Continue to coordinate with the NWS to obtain weather forecast information in advance of threatening
Update flood studies to provide more accurate information in future flood evaluations
Coordinate with the Belmont Technical College to manipulate and analyze data from the USACOE to dete
Installation of creek and river gauges on Captina Creek and the Ohio River
Install generators at emergency shelters
Identify structure inventory for properties at risk to flood (specifically properties located in the
Improve flood warning system, especially near Kings Run
Develop a Belmont County evacuation plan and procedures for road closures
Place depth markers on frequently flooded roads to advise travelers of flooding depth
Coordinate with FEMA, Belmont County EMA, and other pertinent agencies to provide floodwater rescue
Consider moving the air intake valves on apparatus at county fire departments, as well as on other r
Repair and clear clogged storm water culvert pipe
Examine possible improvements to storm water system to include replacement of culverts, storm sewe
Improve storm water drainage system
Replace culverts to reduce flooding and damage to roads resulting from high waters
Plan and develop a storm sewer control system
Construct dry dams on Little McMahons Creek streams
Spot dredging on all creeks to remove sediment buildup and strengthen creek banks in unincorporated
Remove debris from Pipe Creek
Remove debris from Wegee Creek
Install new storm sewers to address street flooding
Plan and develop a storm sewer system to improve drainage
Consider installing, re routing, or increasing the capacity of existing storm drainage systems that
Assess the feasibility of installing a stabilization pond to reduce the speed of water runoff behind
Identify and consider undertaking structural projects to address the amount of water runoff on Kings
Install stream gauges throughout the county to continually monitor and study water levels
Establish countywide zoning that incorporates floodplain development permitting
Notify owners in writing of flood prone properties and recommend the need for flood insurance
Encourage participation in the Community Rating System (CRS) to reduce flood insurance rates
Develop and hold land conservation easements to protect riprarian vegetation in floodplain zones
Protect and preserve wetlands near streams and riprarian zones to mitigate flash floods and prevent
The creation improvement of impaired or damaged wetlands
Clean drag creeks and streams, clearing log jams, trees and shrubs, and sediment bars
Develop a multi jurisdictional committee to manage current and oversee future stream cleaning projec
Assess the feasability of using the debris cleaned from streams to build earthern floodwalls along t
Install uninterruptible power supplies on critical electronic equipment in county and municipal faci
Equip all County and public gathering places with lightning detectors
Install surge protectors on electronic equipment in county and municipal facilities
Promote the use of special shingles designed to interlock and resist uplift forces for both new cons
Develop a public awareness campaign designed to promote individual preparedness
Coordinate efforts with the local media to post advance warnings of severe summer storms
Encourage the use of NOAA weather radios so that the public is made aware of relevant weather warnin
Coordinate with the NWS to warn residents of imending severe thunderstorms
Develop protocol for the use of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) to send out emergency information t
Support tree trimming to prevent limb breakage and for safeguarding nearby lines during severe winte
Purchase the equipment necessary to efficiently remove snow and ice from County roads during severe
Coordinate with local contractors to develop mutual aid agreements for emergency snow removal
Coordinate with the Red Cross to identify possible shelter sites that would be able to address hazar
Continue to promote the public awareness campaign to promote water saving techniques (such as lof fl
Coordinate mutual aid agreements with water hauling companies to have emergency supplies of water ha
Establish an ordinance to prioritize or control water use during emergency drought conditions
Remove slip area on Cumberland Run Road (Grade and Re seed)
Place concrete blocks to protect roadway and property on Jug Run Road
Address landslide issue around the Village of Flushing sewer plant through stabilization projects
Develop ordinances requiring logging companies to clean and replant areas that they log. The ordina
Consider conducting a soil study or survey for Belmont County
Develop and manage a tornado safety public awareness campaign in Belmont County
Coordinate with the National Weather Service (NWS) to warnr esidents of impending severe winds and p
Reduce the risk of mobile home damage by promoting the use of tie downs with ground anchors for the
Assess the number, location, strength, and ability of shelters to house residents and withstand high
Develop and maintain a public education and outreach program about the effects of extreme heat and c
Maintain an inventory of category I and II dams in GIS format
Develop land use strategies to promote the safe use of land downstream from dams
Coordinate with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, in accordance with ORC
During all new dam construction, encourage the completion of a critical flood engineering analysis b
Coordinate with the USACOE to update outdated flood studies encompassing areas affected by the failu
Coordinate with the ODNR, Dam Safety Engineering Program to conduct periodic safety inspections of e
Encourage municipal offices to review regulations pertaining to their jurisdictions to ensure that a
Coordinate with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mineral Resources Management (
Consider developing a land use plan or modifying an existing plan to guide development away from and
Evaluate the need for and examine funding possibilities to purchase more rescue equipment for Belmon
Coordinate with Belmont County School Boards to provide bus use to evacuate residents during a hazar
Coordinate with ODOT to facilitate use of their signs and barricades to supplement local resources i
Develop a Belmont County resource guide which will catalog resources available for disaster response
Evaluate the need for backup power supplies at key intersections located throughout the COunty, and
Encourage residents to prepare themselves by stocking up with necessary items or developing a family
Coordinate with state, federal, and local officials to determine an alternative means of funding for
Educate local officials in Belmont County as to the steps to take after a hazard event, providing th
Coordinate with local officials, emergency services providers, and other pertinent agencies in Belmo