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Registry Search

Welcome to Ohio’s Habitual Offender Registry, a database of people who have been convicted at least five times of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and meet certain other criteria established by law. You can search the Registry using any one (or more) of the search boxes. For example, you can search by last name only, or by county only. Or you can refine your search by filling in multiple search parameters. A state law adopted in September 2008 established the Registry, and defined who should be included:

  • Anyone with five or more convictions during the past 20 years (at least one of the convictions must be since the law took effect on September 30, 2008).
  • The Registry does not include convictions more than 20 years old.
  • The Registry does not include deceased people.
  • The Registry does not include out-of-state convictions.
  • Juvenile offenses are included.
  • If a single incident results in multiple impaired driving-related convictions, it is counted as one conviction for purposes of this Registry.
The Registry is compiled from information Ohio courts report to the Ohio Department of Public Safety and will be updated weekly.

See Ohio Revised Code 5502.10, which established the Registry.

See a complete List of Offenses that are considered drunken driving-related for purposes of this Registry.

Address represents the most recent address reported to the Department of Public Safety or the court, including, in some cases, Ohio correctional facilities.

For questions regarding the Habitual Offender Registry, please contact the Ohio Traffic Safety Office at