Title | Perform maintenance in risk areas, including fuel management techniques such as pruning/clearing dead vegetation, selective logging, cutting high grass, planting fire-resistant vegetation, and creating fuel/fire breaks (i.e., areas where the spread of wildfires will be slowed or stopped by the removal of fuels). |
Details | Perform maintenance in risk areas, including fuel management techniques such as pruning/clearing dead vegetation, selective logging, cutting high grass, planting fire-resistant vegetation, and creating fuel/fire breaks (i.e., areas where the spread of wildfires will be slowed or stopped by the removal of fuels). |
Priority | 69 |
Mitigation # | LPMA0011740 |
Status | New |
Project Lead | Clinton County EMA |
Estimated Cost | $ 0.00 |
Start Date | 1/1/2021 |
End Date | 12/31/2025 |
Funding Source | Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Special Project Grants |
Project Type | Natural Systems Protection |
P l e a s e W a i t