Title | 3.19 Urbana |
Details | The City will protect soil quality by advocating for crop rotation, crop residue management, contour buffer strips, contour farming and strip-cropping, use of cover crops, installation of field borders, rotation grazing, pasture planting, establishment of grassy waterways, grade stabilization structures, water and sediment control basins, critical area planting, diversion, terracing, manure storage and runoff control, nutrient management, pest management, well abandonment, riparian buffers, wetland restoration, windbreaks, woodlot management, tree planting, and creation of upland wildlife habitat on farmland inside, adjacent to, or near incorporated city property. |
Priority | 31 |
Mitigation # | LPMA0007040 |
Status | New |
Project Lead | Director of Administration |
Estimated Cost | $ 0.00 |
Start Date | 9/1/2019 |
End Date | 8/31/2024 |
Funding Source | Local Funds,OTHER - |
Project Type | OTHER - |
P l e a s e W a i t